VIDEO PREMIERE: Iron Curtis - Werc Werc Werc
Johannes Paluka aka Iron Curtis is a name that keeps springing up at Delayed for all the right reasons. His remixes, and originals, consistently stand out amongst others, time and time again as nuanced soundscapes. All of which make the listener mentally pause, and hit replay. It’s these moments that act almost as a breath of fresh air moving through your brain.
Humans do however have other senses so while Iron Curtis can take care of the audible, Cindy Soap and her team will take over the visual. Yes, today the star of the show is a fantastic companion piece to Curtis’ track, Werc Werc Werc from his 2018 Tamed Musiq release Upstream Color.
Full to the brim with detail, the mood ever so melancholic, brief flashes of light illuminating a cityscape, there couldn’t be a better backdrop for Werc Werc Werc. Cindy and her team have done a wonderful job translating one medium into another, matching the ebbs and flows of synths and leads, to spasms of projected light and liquid. Coupled with this projection, is the aforementioned cityscape… hundreds of tiny handmade buildings built on a mold of an architectural model of Lyon. The level of effort that went into this video was high, and the result speaks for itself.
Hats off to both Iron Curtis and Cindy Soap and her team. We’ll be eagerly awaiting both of their next forays.
Below are a few images taken during the creation of the video.